- Warns Kangaroos away from your Vehicle by omitting a high Frequency Sound
- Works up to 2km away in ideal Conditions
- The Roo Repellers work at Speeds over 50kph
- Helps keep your Family, your Vehicle and Wildlife Safe by avoiding Collisions
- Easy Cleaning
- Supplied Key inserts firmly into Base allowing a slide action for Repeller Removal. Clean Repeller under Hot Water
- Comes in a practical 4 Pack for more Coverage or Spares if 1 or more gets lost
- Produced by an Australian Owned and Operated Company that’s been around over 50 Years
The 4 Roo Repellers supplied can be mounted on Horizontal or Sloping Flat Surface including Bumper, Grill and Bull Bar. Adjust so Roo Repeller Mouth is Horizontal and facing Forward when Driving.
Fitting 4 Roo Repellers is ideal, especially if Insect Infestation is a Problem. It is also fine to fit 2 Roo Repellers.
Ensure that Surfaces are Clean, Flat and Dry before fastening the Double Sided Tape provided.
Roo Repellers need to be checked regularly for Blockages that can hinder Performance.
Haigh Australia makes no Claim that these Repellers will prevent Collisions with Animals in all Situations.
Efficiency of the Roo Repeller is influenced by certain Terrain, Corners, Car Speed under 50kph, Blocked Repellers and Weather Conditions.