Mens Hike & Trail Shoes. Make sure you are well equipped for your next outdoor adventure with these hike and trail shoes for men from True Outdoor Adventure. Tackle all kinds of terrain with ease and make light work of covering long distances while keeping your feet safe and comfortable with this great range of footwear. These Boots for men are great for Hunting or Fishing.
Mid calf upper features breathable nylon with Daybreak camo print/molded toe/heel reinforcements/steel shank midsole/fully insulated lining.
Removable/washable/breathable insole/compression molded EVA midsole ensure serious cushioning for all day comfort.
Outdoor adventure boot offers fully waterproof seam sealed construction to keep your feet dry, gusseted tongue/padded collar keep debris out, along with excellent waterproofing.
Durable cleated rubber outsole ensures exceptional traction/shock absorption/good abrasion resistance in wet/snowy or icy conditions.
Quick lace up closure allows for easy/secure adjustments, heel pull strap makes it easy to get on/off.